About Adelante Abroad
About Us
It is our mission to encourage our candidates to move beyond their comfort zone. Take a moment to reflect on some of the most meaningful experiences you’ve had in life. We’re willing to bet most took you outside your comfort zone, didn’t they? Here at Adelante Abroad, LLC, this concept lays the foundation for all of our organizational values.
A firmly held tenet that colors all components of this corporation is that international experience, in the form of an internship or an academic program abroad, should be part and parcel of everyone’s education. Regardless of your class standing, age, or whether you’ve graduated or not… we firmly believe that living, working, and studying abroad is paramount to your educational and life experience.
Living and working in another country may sound daunting and, in many ways, it is. Setting this as a personal and educational goal takes courage and a solid backbone. That’s where we come in.
The main objective of all of our Intern Abroad and Study Abroad programs is to help you not only achieve this goal, but gain the necessary experience to succeed in all of your future goals as well.

Our Global Team
Following the successful launch of the Intern in Madrid program, Intern in Barcelona was created. Then came the University Study Abroad Program in Seville and Intern in Sevilla. Since then we have moved into Latin and South America, increasing our locations to include Intern in Mexico and Intern in Uruguay. Then, befitting the pioneering company, Adelante Abroad veered off their Spanish business model to open up two extremely successful programs in Scotland – Study Abroad: The Equine and Ecology / Habitat Management programs & Intern Abroad: The Research Observation work assignment placement program. In 2016, we opened our new Intern in Ecuador program in Quito and Ambato.

Internships for the Independent Traveler
Adelante Abroad finds a specific, unique internship for each individual candidate. For this reason, our annual candidate numbers are never in the thousands (as with some other study and language programs) but rather in the 100’s. We truly customize our programs to you, our candidates! On average, we send anywhere from one to ten candidates to each of our international Intern in or Study Abroad programs every month. While the majority of participating candidates are aged about 20 to 26, we have had a growing number of younger ‘gap year’ candidates, plus a steady number of older candidates who wish to experience a city in a different way than as a typical tourist.
The Adelante program illuminates the language, personal, cultural and corporate aspects in a way that no other program does, through work assignments and independent living situations, so candidates experience life abroad much like a local. The program is more than the four hours each day of studying or interning, it is also about absorbing, experiencing and learning the life and language of the host city. We provide this amazing ‘open door’ and what each candidate chooses to do upon walking though it is largely up to them.
Initially, candidates see everything based on their own cultural expectations. As part of the learning process some lifestyle adjustments may be necessary and by the end of your program, whether you intern, study, teach or volunteer, you are sure to return home (IF you decide to return home!) with a different set of values – a blend of who you were and the new person you’ve become.
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